First, we will assess your elemental constitution. Next, we will check in on times in your life where your chart had a major activation. While affirming your unique sensibilities in this life, we will also empower the changes you seek to make on your personal path to purpose though the power of archetypal cosmology, plant spirits, and your own inner wisdom.
No fire in your chart? We might recommend ginger, or consult the herbal tarot for guidance. You will leave the session with a clear path forward: your prayers heard, and your questions answered.
A roadmap for your next trip around the sun. A wonderful gift for yourself or a loved one for their birthday, a unique moment of endings and new beginnings. Collaborate with the cosmos as you plan your year ahead. 45 min.
Astrocartography is the astrology of place, your birth map stretched across the geography of the globe, a representation of where the planets were tracking in relation to the earth at your time of birth. Similar to the natal chart depicting the major archetypes of our psyche, astro-mapping is the manifestation of these various parts at specific lines over the landscape.
In this session you can discover:
45 mins.
Synastry is the relationship between two individual charts. Most popular for love relationships, this technique can also be a tool for understanding familial inheritance, business partnerships, and friendships.
Consent is required of both parties, but it's not necessary that both people are present in the session. Each persons natal chart will be taken into consideration as part of the synastry exploration: two charts laid one on top of another, depicting the dynamics of the relationship. This can show you how to best show up for one another.
One of the most powerful outcomes of astrology is gaining compassion for ourselves and each other. We all have a unique way the stars constellate in us, and that's more than okay! Every relationship we enter will have dynamic and harmonious energies. How will you wield them to support the highest good of all involved?
In her book All About Love, Bell Hooks helps us to understand that to love, we must be willing to nurture our own and another's spiritual growth.
"All awakening to love is spiritual awakening." ~Bell Hooks
An in depth analysis of your business in every category of interest, facilitating a strategic plan from an archetypal perspective. You decide when your business was "born" and we take it from there. You'll leave with new ideas and action steps for branding, communications, growth opportunities, and connecting with the destiny and purpose of your business.
The Pluto Path © is your personal hero's journey to Power, Pleasure, Passion, and Purpose.
This is a high touch program dedicated to the work of inner-excavation, discovering your monomyth, and the liberation of past karma to reclaim your empowerment in the present. We will enter mythological, ecological, and somatic depths and you will emerge with a renewed sense of who you are and why you are here.
Astrobee will be your transformative guide for 8 sessions over 4 complete cycles of the moon (4 months), breaking down your charts juiciest astrological entrees in bite sized bits, seasoned with herbal magic, simmered in ancestral practices, and paired with tools of divination and reflection. These sessions are tailor fit to you and your goals, so you can see lasting change in your life, with newfound spiritual clarity and creative energy. There will be support and homefun between sessions to help you digest the lessons, integrate new information, and implement rituals we co-design to keep you accountable to the path.
There will be a bonus celebration session at the end to integrate our time spent together. If you are curious what these 8 sessions could look like for you, don't hesitate to reach out for an exploratory call about The Pluto Path to see if it's the right fit for you. If you hear the call, listen to that call. This is your heart calling you home.
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